Deca Homes Resort Residences by DECA Homes
Project Type : House & Lot
Listing Type : Preselling
Units : House & Lot
Price: ₱ 0 & Up
Address :
Tacunan, Mintal
Location :
Davao City ,
Davao del Sur
Deca Homes Resort Residences
DECA Homes Deca Homes Resort Residences
Deca Homes Resort Residences DECA Homes
Deca Homes Resort Residences Davao City
Deca Homes Resort Residences DECA Homes Deca Homes Resort Residences Deca Homes Resort Residences DECA Homes Deca Homes Resort Residences Davao City
Deca Homes Resort Residences is an extremely vast residential setup covering a large expanse of one hundred and thirty-eight square meters located in rolling kind of terrain of Davao City. Deca Homes Resort Residences offers various kinds of house designs including the beautiful bungalow kind and the loft type houses. The bungalow kind of units is spread in a lot area ranging from ninety square meters to one hundred square meters where the area of the floor is around thirty-five square meters. These houses accommodate two large bedrooms along with one bathroom. The bathroom and the toilets are lined with tiles with neatly painted interiors as well as exteriors. The kitchen is again lined with tiles and also possesses a sink made up of stainless steel. The loft units, on the other hand, consist of two bedrooms with one bathroom and toilet. These lofts are protected with their own fencing along with an entrance gate. The kitchen accommodated a sink made out of rust proof stainless steel while the baths and toilets are lined with tiles. The floors are well cemented along with the walls being well painted and polished to perfection. Three hectares of the property accommodates a resort well within the community giving you an opportunity of avail resort services while still being at your residing place. The long list of offerings includes a soccer field, a fishing zone, a basketball court, power and water supply, swimming pool, a multiple purpose hall etc. Hence, end your search and book your convenient home today at Deca Homes Resort Residences!
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